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Strict requirements for configuration files

Strapi 5 has strict requirements on the configuration filenames allowed to be loaded.

This page is part of the breaking changes database and provides information about the breaking change and additional instructions to migrate from Strapi v4 to Strapi 5.

Breaking change description

In Strapi v4

Every .js, .ts, and .json file in the /config/ folder of a Strapi project is loaded into strapi.config.

For example if there is a file called /config/my-custom-config.js it is loaded and accessible from strapi.config.get('my-custom-config.someProperty').

In Strapi 5

Strapi 5 has strict requirements on the filenames allowed to be loaded (see notes for details).


This section regroups useful notes and procedures about the introduced breaking change.


In Strapi 5 filenames for configuration files should comply to these requirements:

  • There should be no case-insensitive duplicate filenames. If both CUSTOM.js and custom.js exist, only one will be loaded.
  • There should be no duplicate base filenames without extension. If both custom.json and custom.js exist, only one will be loaded.
  • The following filenames are restricted and not loaded:
    • uuid
    • hosting
    • license
    • enforce
    • disable
    • enable
    • plugin
    • strapi
    • middleware
    • telemetry
    • launchedAt
    • serveAdminPanel
    • autoReload
    • environment
    • packageJsonStrapi
    • info
    • autoReload
  • It is advised to use only alphanumeric characters (a-zA-Z0-9).
  • All internal Strapi configurations (see the list of files in configurations) must conform to the known structure of those configuration files (i.e., no custom fields should be added to the existing files).

Manual migration

Rename any of configuration files that are now invalid to a new name, and update the code to look in that path.

If you added custom fields to the internal Strapi configuration files, you should instead create a new file to store the custom configuration, and ensure the new filename matches the requirements for Strapi 5.